Monthly Archives: November 2018

Don't Wait To Deal With Bedbugs

We have seen it many times, a client waits far too long before dealing with their bedbug issues. If they had called a professional when they first noticed a bite or a bug, they could have avoided expensive replacement of furniture and household items that became infested with bedbugs. If you suspect bedbugs, don’t wait, call today for a consultation. At Jove, we want to make sure you, your friends, and neighbors don’t have to deal with bedbugs any longer. We partner with you to bring the costs down and the intrusion into......

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We Are Too. At Jove Pest Control, We are worried mice might bring harmful bacteria into your home and cause illness to your family. Keep your family safe and pest free this winter. We are offering a 20% OFF discount on mice extermination to help everyone stay safe this winter....

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