Our Story

After each treatment, I ask our team “Did we make the clients Happy Happy?”

John H. Caldwell, III Founder and President, Jove Pest Control, Inc.

Hello, my name is John H. Caldwell III, I founded Jove Pest Control Company in December 1997 to service New York and New Jersey.  My parents taught my siblings and I some critical lessons early on, hard work will get you far, but what will help you sleep well and get farther is respecting and treating others the way you would like to be treated.  So it was no question when I started Jove Pest Control, that the goal was to make clients more than happy, we would make them Happy Happy.

Each Jove Solution Expert is trained to exterminate by putting themselves in their client’s shoes. They ask themselves, “how would I like to be treated?”  Whether your a first time client or contract commercial client, you receive respect and consideration from each member of our team. You’ll notice it in things like our old school approach to addressing each client with a formal Mr., Ms., or Mrs.

When you find a pest in your home, it feels like an invasion of privacy or worse a physical attack. Most of our clients call worried, disgusted, and fearful. Our team is trained to help you gain greater peace of mind by eliminating your problem and partnering with you to prevent any future returns. From your first call, you will be greeted warmly and professionally. Please ask all your questions and we will address each one.

Jove licensed technicians who arrive at your home will be dressed in uniform and act with great respect for your home. We encourage you to ask additional questions of your technician and let us know if there is anything you feel didn’t meet your personal level of Happy Happy.


Kimberly D.
Kimberly D.

They were soooo professional and got to us soooo fast . I definitely recommend!


Our Solution Experts address your pest issues directly and provide recommendations for on-going solutions using the IPM (Integrated Pest Management) approach. IPM is the industry standard that is designed to ensure safety during inspection, sanitation, treatment and maintenance. You can expect the following process when working with Jove Pest Control:


Thorough inspection of the houshold


Identification of the pest and its points of entry and nest


Customized extermination plan


Elimination of pests and filling in of entry points


Partnership Prevention Plan


Jove Pest Control, Inc. is a full service extermination firm licensed in categories

  • 7A Structural Pest Control
  • 7C Termite Control
  • 7F Food Processing
  • 8 Public Health
  • 3a Ornamental and Turf

Jove Pest Control, Inc. is unique because it specializes in the Integrated Pest Management (IPM). The IPM method of pest control is the industry standard and the Green approach to pest management.

The IPM system is comprised of four important components, Inspection, Sanitation, Maintenance and Treatment. The IPM approach has proven to be safe and effective in eliminating pests from the home and work environment