Did you know the mosquito is the most dangerous insect in the world? The mosquito has been known to kill about 1million people per year not from a poisonous sting but from disease that it spreads including West Nile, malaria, dengue, yellow fever, chikungunya, and now the Zika virus. ...
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The reason behind our rule of "Never Spray For Ants" is because ants live in colonies and must be exterminated as an entire group, not just the few that you see....
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Keeping track of bedbugs and treatment for a multi-unit dwelling may seem like an insignificant thing until you start to see an outbreak across units and begin to spend your time trying to play catch up with controlling the issue. Tracking can help you stay on top of your bedbug treatment and sightings to prevent future outbreaks. Jove has put together a downloadable template for management companies, building managers, supers, and homeowners to better track and treat for bedbugs. It is an excellent way to keep track of and prevent future outbreaks.......
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We Are Too. At Jove Pest Control, We are worried mice might bring harmful bacteria into your home and cause illness to your family. Keep your family safe and pest free this winter. We are offering a 20% OFF discount on mice extermination to help everyone stay safe this winter....
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If you’re like most people, you don’t want mice in your home. We don’t blame you! They bring in filth, disease and eat your food and leave their remains. They are the worst possible house guests. But there are ways you can keep them outside where they belong. Use these tips to keep your house mouse free from now on. Inside Eat in one designated area in the house to reduce the spread of crumbs and scraps. Store all food outside of the fridge in airtight containers. Mice and rats can eat through......
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